If you don't know about it yet, the HTML5 web speech API specification is now working on Google Chrome and partially in the Apple Safari browser(See the browser support status here). That means you can now develop voice-driven web applications. We hope that other browsers will start supporting this very soon as well. In this tutorial, I will try to explain how we can begin … [Read more...] about Getting Started With HTML5 Web Speech API
If you are familiar with basic networking protocols like TCP and UDP , you already might know TCP is reliable and used in most cases, especially for corruption-file download/requests over HTTP, email communications etc. However, some other large part is still considered better with UDP communications like multi-player game programming, live video streaming, and … [Read more...] about Getting Started With UDP Programming in Java
This is a follow-up article to my earlier post on Object-Oriented JavaScript class basics. There are a few more things that we actually need to dive into object-oriented programming in JavaScript. Today, in this tutorial, I will try to describe how we can leverage the power of inheritance in a JavaScript program. We will also learn how to declare a normal instance method and a … [Read more...] about Object Oriented JavaScript: Inheritance, (Static) Method
JavaScript has become one of the most dominating programming languages in modern software development. It's everywhere, from browser client-side development to server-side development (Nodejs) to mobile app development(PhoneGap). Unfortunately, it doesn't provide a traditional object-oriented javascript API much.
Maybe that's why we see functional-styled, straightforward … [Read more...] about Object-Oriented JavaScript: Class Basics
Recently, I started learning and working on the Node.js platform, so I am again brushing up on my long-forgotten JavaScript skills. JSON is a common format you encounter every now and then in JavaScript, whether it's on the client side or server side. As NodeJs is a server-side platform, it has a little more capability than browser-based JavaScript, like writing to file … [Read more...] about How To Work With JSON In Node.js / JavaScript
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