So far, I have written some LinQ tutorials from time to time to explain different aspects of this Microsoft-invented ORM technology. Later, I realized that it would be very helpful to my dear readers if all the tutorials could be organized in a structured and ordered way. A beginner-level programmer can start and follow these sequentially, one by one, which will make the learning even more efficient and fruitful. Thus, on this page, I have tried to achieve precisely that purpose. Here, You will find all tutorials listed by, which focuses on LinQ To SQL, LinQ To XML, LinQ CRUD operations, LinQ Lambda expressions, etc.
What Is LINQ?
The full meaning of LinQ is ‘Language Integrated Query.’ Basically, LinQ provides a whole new way to manipulate data, either to/from a database, with an XML file, or with a simple list of dynamic data. We will explore each of these variations through the tutorials listed below. So, are you ready for this?
LinQ Architecture In .NET:
The image below provides an architectural overview of how LinQ is bound to the .NET framework.
From the image above, we are going to cover only the C# programming language. Also, my LinQ tutorials list doesn’t include ‘LinQ to data-set’ or ‘LinQ to entities’ yet. But I will try to include them in the future if possible. If you badly need any of them, feel free to let me know.
Let’s Explore The LinQ Tutorials:
- LinQ To SQL Tutorial Basics:
As a complete beginner, I strongly recommend starting with this tutorial. It will give you a step-by-step description of how to start using LinQ for SQL implementation with the Microsoft SQL Server database and perform basic data retrieval(SELECT) operations, etc. - LinQ Lambda Expression Tutorial:
Before diving in, I recommend that you learn some basics of lambda expressions if you haven’t yet. This will definitely help you on your long journey with LinQ. Get detailed explanations with c# code examples to help you understand. - LinQ Database Update Operations Tutorial:
This tutorial focuses on operations that affect/change database tables, such as adding, editing, deleting, updating, etc. ORM style and integrated query are used here in a mixed manner. You will get a taste of both of them. - LinQ Like Operator Reference:
This tutorial will focus on getting you familiar with the SQL ‘like’ type operation so that you can start building a mini search engine for your application. Never miss it! - LinQ Join Operation Tutorial:
Well, join operations are very common for database-based applications. This tutorial will show you how LinQ ORM makes our lives easy by establishing the relationship between tables/objects and avoiding writing join queries for the most basic needs. It will also explain, with an example, how to write complex join operations in a language-integrated manner. - LinQ To XML Tutorial:
So far, with all the above-listed tutorials, you will learn what we know as ‘LINQ to SQL.’ This tutorial focuses on the LINQ operations on XML data, which means a dedicated post explaining LinQ to XML. You will be able to easily read/traverse and add/edit/delete/update data from XML files with the help of LinQ. This is one of the most powerful features for Linq to get the most results with the least code. This will give you the idea of getting LinQ to work with simple ArrayList dynamic data as well.
A Bonus LinQ Tutorial:
Well, there is a bonus LinQ tutorial for you here. As you have learned the basic LinQ operations, it is time to go live. This will be especially helpful to web application developers, I guess. Learn how to get started with LinQ in an MVC 3/C #– based application.
Final Words:
I hope this series of LinQ tutorials will help you to some extent. For some in-depth LinQ code samples, You can also explore the LinQ examples from Microsoft. However, I may have missed some areas(like as mentioned above), on which topics you will may wish for some tutorial(s) or want to contribute something. Feel free to contact me. I would very much appreciate it if you could provide some suggestions, comments, and feedback that may help me improve these tutorials in the near future. Happy coding 🙂