Programming And Distributed Systems Development Tutorials
PHP Tutorials And Examples
PHP is the most dominant scripting language for web development at present. This page will guide you to the resources that have been published on this website over time in an organized manner so that you can easily navigate to the PHP tutorials and examples that interest you.
However, as a disclaimer, I would like to let you know that I wrote the blog posts whenever something came my way, and I learned something. So, this may not work for you as a step-by-step guide to learning web development using PHP but rather as a complementary reference instead.
PHP Programming Tutorials
Useful PHP Array Operations: This post includes several useful array function references that might be helpful in various cases
PHP Closure Tutorials: In this tutorial, you will learn about using closure/anonymous functions in the PHP programming language.
PHP Dynamic Object Tutorial: This tutorial will help you understand how to use dynamic objects in PHP and create a custom object with all dynamic property styles, array styles, and iterative access capabilities.
Streaming Video Using PHP: A simple class that will help you stream video(and others, too) using PHP as server-side scripting.
A series of tutorials covering various aspects of the codeigniter framework. It’s not an A-Z sequential tutorial series, but you should get help in many aspects of the framework.
WordPress Administration Plugin Development: Whether you are developing an administration panel for your plugin or creating a plugin that is used only in the WordPress user/admin settings section, this tutorial will guide you through some basics to start in that area.
Basics On Doctrine CRUD Operation: If you are just starting out with doctrine, this PHP doctrine tutorial will help you have a just start for developing a CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) operation based web application
Mapping DB And Entities: A simple guide with which you can easily map your database to PHP Doctrine entities and also reversely from Doctrine Entity classes to database mapping.
Doctrine Entity Relationship Management: This tutorial will guide you through the easy process of creating and managing various relationships between doctrine entities, which will map to proper primary/foreign constraints on the database.
Native SQL Operations In Doctrine: This Doctrine tutorial will help you understand how to execute native SQL queries on demand, even if you are using Doctrine, which supports native SQL queries very nicely.
Smarty Tutorial:
Smarty Beginners Tutorial: This is a very easy-to-understand guide for complete beginners on getting started with the Smarty template engine.
Parallel S3 object requests: A simple trick explaining how you can perform multiple parallel requests to retrieve objects from Amazon S3 service, which makes your application scalable and highly performance efficient.
Piping Email Content To PHP: If you want to automate emailing, this tutorial can be a good reference. It will show you how to pipe emails to a specific PHP script and parse the email content.
Final Words:
This page acts as a readable and easy-to-understand index for php tutorials published by CodeSamplez. It will be updated often whenever a new PHP tutorial is added to the site. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please contact me via the contact page of this site. Happy PHP coding 🙂
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